Year 4 Trip

6th November 2020

In the week before half term, Year 4 headed off behind Mt Meru. 

After a very excited (and noisy) bus ride, we arrived at Mukuru Training Camp. We all settled into our tents and enjoyed the view from the 'Kilimanjaro outdoor toilet'! 

Mukuru camp had beautiful views and was the perfect place to  spend time together and participate in different activities. We learnt more about Maasai leather making, all making our own leather and beaded key ring. We also spent time having a Maasai bush experience, learning more about how Maasai use plants for medicine, spears and toothbrushes. How Maasai protect their animals, create bush calendars and start fires.

There was free time to enjoy our tents, chat to our friends, play football, draw and share and practise our dance moves! There was much dancing.... musical statues, musical bumps, dance offs and creating new moves. 

Our major accomplishment on the trip was our hike!

On day 2, we woke up before the sun, got organised, had breakfast and packed our day packs. We set of to climb Lengari. We started walking and admiring the beautiful views. 

We slowly started to walk higher and higher. Every so often we would stop for a 'recharge' (oreo cookies and water!). We continued walking higher and higher, feeling as if we were in the Sound of Music.... until we saw the peak we were aiming for. 

Our Maasai guides and Charles helped us walk in a line, back and forth up the hill until we were climbing like goats! This was not easy for everyone, but we all did our best and showed great perseverance. 

Once at the top, the views of Mt Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru were spectacular, as we sat and ate a well earned lunch. 

What goes up must come down, so once we were ready, it was time to do it all again in reverse! We slid down on our bottoms and walked back down to the camp..... with slightly less noise and excitement than we had in the morning! 

Once back at camp, shoes off, blisters inspected, showers had, water drunk - we relaxed in our tents..... until somehow...... all the energy came back.... ready for some more dancing!? 

We all had a brilliant time. A HUMONGOUS congratulations to all of Year 4, for being amazing, brave, not giving up and making it up the mountain together!  

Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
GL Education Assessment Excellence