Year 10 conquer Kilimanjaro

6th June 2017

Every year our Year 10s take on the enormous feat of conquering Mount Kilimanjaro. Here's an update on how they got on from Mr Wallace:


"Climbing Kili is a bit of an unknown quantity. The first three days are just a question of keeping going. Sure, it helps if you are fit but almost anyone can do it and all this year’s Y10 class are no exception. Even with the onset of illness, all our students managed to keep going to Horombo Hut and 3,690m - which is to be commended!


Around Kibo Hut and 4,695m that unpredictable element of altitude sickness kicks in. At this point, a few of our students were beginning to suffer and decided to call it a day at Kibo Hut.

As the group inched their way up from Kibo Hut, fitness loses its importance and grit and determination takes over. This year’s group was a very gritty and determined lot and all but three of them made it to Gilman’s Point and the crater rim at 5,861m. For some it was altitude, for some it was just plain exhaustion, and for some, the rather surprising discovery, as the sun came up and revealed they were half way up a 1,000m skree slope, that they suffer from vertigo!

Once at the crater rim the trip to Uhuru point is relatively straightforward but it was not up to the student any more. Some were satisfied with their achievement and felt too ill to continue but others were determined to carry on but were denied by our experienced guides whose priority was making sure everyone got home safely!


Our students performed bravely and took great pride in all they had achieved. It was a challenge we met head on but don’t expect any of us to get anything from further than arm’s reach for the next few days!"

Congratulations to all our Kili climbers and the brave staff who accompanied them. You have much to be proud of!

Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
GL Education Assessment Excellence