Summer Opportunities

25th June 2020

Summer Opportunities offered by Immerse Education

  1. The Oxbridge Online Research Programme
    Personalised, one-to-one tuition from your own personal Oxford or Cambridge University tutor. Create a university-level academic research project in any subject field over 2, 4, or 8 weeks. Ages 13-18.
    Visit the website to learn more.
  2. Cambridge Virtual Summer School
    The highlights of our award-winning summer course can be experienced via a premium e-learning platform.
    Learn alongside other students from around the world with the guidance of expert university tutors. Ages 13-18.
    Visit the website to learn more.
  3. DegreeKey
    Discover the must-read books to make your university application stand out through a completely free-to-access platform. Recommendations written by undergraduates at leading universities, including Oxbridge and the Ivy League.
    Visit the website to learn more.
  4. Essay Competition for 2021 programmes
    Win a scholarship to participate in the Cambridge 2021 academic programmes. Round 1 of the 2021 Essay Competition is now open, with entries closing on 31st August 2020. Ages 13-18.
    Visit the website to learn more.
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
GL Education Assessment Excellence