Romans on the Rampage

5th February 2021

The Year 4 classroom has been abuzz with all things to do with the Romans and in particular the gladiators. The kids just can’t seem to get enough!

It’s hard to think watching a gladiator fight, with lots of blood and gore, was as normal as attending a football match like we do today. In fact, the coliseum could host an even larger audience than  most  current football stadiums. We have spent a day in the life of a gladiator; we were exhausted by the amount of training each day and were rather surprised to learn that they were fed quite well. We guess they had to get their strong muscles and physique from somewhere.  And then there were the beasts…. Yes you have got it right! They would also be sent in to fight the gladiators. Yikes!

Mrs Bell has been a little worried by how much the Year 4B enjoyed these blood thirsty Romans and and all the gory details! Despite this, she did let us make blood in science as part of our liquid, solids and gases experiment. Here are some pictures of us making the most of our bloody experience.

We are very excited about our assembly next week. Be prepared to be transported back in time to a coliseum in Rome…. and the rest… well that would be telling.  Come and see if for yourselves Year ½. Year 3, Year 5 and 6!!

To counteract all the  battle scenes we have been enjoying the gentle art of meditation . We love  taking 5 minutes of our days to find some peace and calm and enjoy the smell of the incense. Mrs Bell was rather impressed by how well we were able to meditate and how much we enjoy it.

Namaste from us all!

Year 4B

4B meditation.jpg
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
GL Education Assessment Excellence