"Living in a Pandemic: Covid-19" by Arturo Colombo

14th May 2020

At first probably all of us students were like, ‘Yes! No more school, I can spend the whole day binge watching on Netflix’ but now after being stuck at home for almost a month, even though we can get out of the house, we barely get out because all our parents are being super anti-Covid-19. So if we need to get out, we have to wear a mask and wearing a mask is the most Annoying thing I’ve ever done (worse than listening to that song to help us count in Greek, it was in year 6 ( ask any of my classmates who were here in year 6 (it was the worst thing ever).Masks are the most uncomfortable thing ever made so I made a promise with myself I won’t get out of the house unless it’s necessary, but if I’m with my dad I am lucky because he doesn’t care. On the other hand, my mum is a whole different story for Anti-Covid-19.

School, via E-mail, Google classroom and Zoom is uncomfortable. But the thing I miss the most about school is teachers and calling their students names, especially Mr Wheatley and his ‘Let us see who has a WATERMELON and who has a BRAIN!’( He says this is to determine which answers have substance and which have water.) And then there’s homework, which in this situation, IS THE WORST THING EVER because I have just spent the whole day at my laptop and then I have homework to finish. And I’m like ‘oh come on! Now I have to spend another hour on my laptop.’ THIS IS LITERALLY ‘BACKBREAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then at the end of the day my dad comes home, and it becomes a nightmare. The main reason is because when it becomes too sunny, I close my curtains because my desk is at my window, I become blinded looking at my laptop. I have a prediction that I know is probably 99% most likely to be true, and it is… When school reopens half of the students will be hunchbacks.

The worst part about all of this is that now we (my sisters and I) must help around the house and my sisters are always like: ‘Tomorrow I’ll make the table.’ Tomorrow comes, guess who’s making the table ?…. ME! The other bad thing is that we stopped using Smile for the internet and now the new internet gives us 2GB of internet a day from 8 AM to 6 PM and from 3 PM I become super bored but I can’t watch any Youtube or Netflix because my sisters are always distracted when doing school work. So, when I’m finished, they’re still doing work and I have nothing to do except go cycling but then I get bored of cycling. I have nothing to do.

But the worst part of no school is, to me and a lot of boys at school, no football. Well to some people that’s surprising, maybe even to whoever is going to be reading this, but football, to me, means everything. Mrs.Stubbs you probably know this from my first assessment. To still be able to play, I learned how to shoot a freekick like Messi, the G.O.A.T of football (to most people). Well going back to the situation: no school=no football. I really miss the satisfaction of everyone shouting, ‘Nice Arturo!’ and of not thinking during corners and throwing my legs randomly and that turns into the best goal. Football is probably the main reason I come to school. I also miss slide tackling because the pitch at my house is literally thorns but most of all I miss playing against people better than me and playing as a team- being a team with other players and just the feeling of scoring a goal and the lunchtime competition also the usage of the word ‘CHOMA’ when a classmate blasts the ball over the wall. I also miss the embarrassment of someone, by everyone on the pitch clapping, when the ball is blasted over the wall.


I can’t stay another month stuck at home, can a vaccine just come or we go Boris Johnson Style we all get it, who lives…lives, who dies… dies. But that is plan Z.

Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
GL Education Assessment Excellence