
Our school motto is Summum Appeto, which is Latin for ‘Reach for the Top!’

This is the aspiration we plant in each individual’s mind when they join us. Renowned for its warm family feel, students from all over the world soon quickly valued and at home at BISA. Difference is celebrated and respected, with individuals setting their own targets for support, extension and improvement. Our small class sizes, along with the care that each student receives from their form tutor, makes this approach possible.

Our highly qualified international staff are not only responsible for a broad 21st century curriculum, but are also involved in a wide-ranging extra-curricular program, allowing each and every student to find the right balance between work and play.



The Secondary curriculum at BISA is based on the National Curriculum, produced by the Department of Education (England) and is divided into 2 distinct Key Stages – Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.

The system is progressive and each stage builds on the knowledge and skills that have been taught earlier. We are aware of and sensitive to the needs of those students arriving from other curricular programs and work closely with them to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Key Stage Three (Years 7-9)

To make an easy transition from their Primary career into the world of Secondary, the majority of our Year 7 students arrive in September having already experienced some ‘taster days’ in the Secondary School. Once settled, they benefit from a strong library program, in-class support and a cross–curricular enrichment program throughout Key Stage 3. P.E sessions are often combined across the Key Stage to provide a broad range of options and focused coaching.

In Term 1 and 2, Year 9 students continue to follow their Key Stage 3 curriculum. At this stage, they are focused on developing the skills needed for success at Key Stage 4 and beyond and assessment criteria reflect those used at IGCSE. During Term 2 students are supported and guided to make their subject choices for IGCSE, with the delivery of the Key Stage 4 syllabus beginning in term 3.

Key Stage Four (Years 10-11)

Most universities and employees expect to see a broad range of subjects at IGCSE, showcasing a balanced foundation. In Key Stage 4, specialist teachers offer subjects across the curriculum based on both coursework and examinations. As students work through their courses, careers advice, work experience and personalised interviews provide exposure and direction. Our P.E, PSHE and extra-curricular programs continue to run, providing a busy and varied working week for every student. 

In addition to ongoing teacher assessment, formal external assessment is an established part of BISA Secondary School. Our Examinations Officer ensures that all examinations that BISA students sit comply with international standards.

Children in a photo shoot
Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
GL Education Assessment Excellence