
Through the wide range of academic pathways on offer at BISA, we aim to prepare our students for life in the 21st century. The skills of communication, flexibility, collaboration and resilience are embedded in daily life and scaffold both formal and informal learning.

Our Curriculum Aims

The curriculum at BISA is balanced, broad and relevant to all students. The key aim for our teaching and learning is to provide opportunities for all pupils to be active learners: to enjoy success, developing the attributes of confident and responsible global citizens.

BISA’s curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum of England. It is adapted to fit our East African location and international context, providing a balance of recognised standards, structure and flexibility.

The education of students at BISA goes far beyond the formal curriculum with a wealth of opportunities available across the age ranges.

The Performing Arts

From the tender age of 2, students experience the excitement of participating in the performing arts. Regular theatre performances are supported through dance and drama lessons, extra-curricular clubs and enrichment programs, whilst our music program grows year on year. With opportunities to be involved in group projects, recording, and tuition partnerships, there is something for everyone. 



Promoting physical activity and competitive aspirations is integral to BISA life. Timetabled lessons are dedicated to the major sports of the term and are supported through after-school and weekend sports coaching. Inter-house competitions celebrate the achievements of all, whilst a well established East African inter-school sports circuit provides opportunities to compete at a more challenging level.


Active and involved

The Model United Nations, The International Award and our own in-house Junior Dragon Award Scheme promote the skills of the future: resilience, communication, flexibility and resourcefulness. Students work together, outside of the classroom, to achieve common goals and support the wider community.

Personalised Learning

At BISA, every child is recognised as an individual. On enrollment, discussions begin regarding your child’s starting points and progress. In-class observations and monitoring, alongside formal assessments, throughout the term then provide a picture of attainment to date, with targets being generated and shared.

BISA’s inclusion department reaches across all age groups and ensures that any student requiring additional support or extension are well catered for.

Outdoor Learning

Our locality and school sites encourage a curiosity about the natural world, whilst the Tanzanian climate lends itself to learning outside of the classroom. Cross-curricular learning, enrichment programs and regular off-site visits develop an understanding of the world around us

Council of British International Schools
Council of International Schools
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
GL Education Assessment Excellence